In order to understand the purpose, beliefs, goals, and strategies of the National Alliance, you should first read our foundational documents at Further information is available in abundance at our online magazine, National Vanguard. The National Alliance also operates a 24/7 radio network, and produces a weekly radio program, on the air since 1991, American Dissident Voices.

The main purpose of this site is to share video recordings featuring the speeches and radio broadcasts of our founder, Dr. William Luther Pierce, and, at times, other relevant recordings relating to the survival and advancement of European man. William Pierce (1933-2002) was a visionary — a prophet, if you will — who saw long before most of his contemporaries the new spiritual and political order that would be necessary to save our race. Beginning in the late 1960s, he set about to educate his people — and to recruit the best of them — with the goal of building that order.

The audio recordings of Dr. Pierce’s speeches on which these videos are based, many of which have been digitally remastered by us (an ongoing project), are all available for sale on mp3-CDs, each of which contains 20 speeches. These recordings are nearly ten times as long as conventional CDs and are an excellent bargain. Buying these CDs supports this site and supports the projects of the National Alliance — among which is the ongoing construction of the William Pierce Memorial Library and Research Center, to be located in the mountains of Eastern Tennessee.

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