Why Our Government is Corrupt

Well, Bill Clinton’s handlers have him working on a new program to reduce the amount of racial hatred in America. The theory seems to be that if they can get Mr. Clinton to keep his trousers up long enough, perhaps he can do some things to help Blacks and Whites… Read More

The Rule of Law

What are the principal characteristics which distinguish a civilized society from a savage society? What outstanding features have distinguished the societies our people created in Europe from the much more primitive societies formed by other races which we encountered in Africa, America, and Australia? We might note that our societies… Read More

What We Can Do

One of the more common responses I receive from listeners goes something like this: “OK, you’ve convinced us that we have some very serious problems, but you never tell us what we should do about these problems.” Two weeks ago I spoke in general terms about the sort of White… Read More

Why They Hate Buchanan

I’m sure that most of our readers have been observing with some interest the Republican primaries these past few months. And I’m sure that you’ve noticed, as I have, the most interesting feature of these primaries: namely the frantic attacks by the controlled media and by the other Republicans on… Read More

Music and Rebellion

American Dissident Voices Broadcast of June 17, 2000by Dr. William Pierce Last year I got into the business of producing and distributing music. Ihad a couple of reasons for doing so. A general reason is that I want tocontinue to build my capability for communicating with the publicthrough every medium… Read More

Storm, Break Loose!

American Dissident Voices Broadcast of April 8, 2000by Dr. William Pierce Hello! Let’s talk more today about a question that listeners have raisedrepeatedly: What can I do for my people? What can I do to fight mypeople’s enemies? If you’ve been listening to these American Dissident Voices programs fora while,… Read More

The Wages of Selfishness

American Dissident Voices Broadcast of April 1, 2000 Hello! When I began to think about today’s program, I had the notion that Iwould talk with you about something positive and optimistic for achange, instead of telling you about still more instances of mediacover-up of Black-on-White hate crimes or about the… Read More